Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Workshop in August

Korean American Psychological Association (KAPA) is having Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Workshop "The Lovaas Method" coming up in August. ABA is an evidence-based therapy widely used with autistic children. The workshop spans 4 days and will be held on 8/9,16,23, and 30 from 6:30-9:30pm. There will be $10 fee for the workbook and it will be held in Los Angeles.
 More information can be found on http://www.kapaonline.org/508925335649677494644812045208-5050445236.html. Please let Cecile Bhang know if you have any question. Her email is cecile.bhang@pepperdine.edu

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Professional Development - Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) Administration

Hi Everyone,

One of our officers, Cecile Hyewon Bhang, wanted me to tell everyone that she has a possible profession development coming up for those who are interested.

A current psychologist who works at DMH will be teaching how to administer the Differential Aptitude Test (DAT). He will be holding a session, so please let Cecile know if you are interested and what your availability looks like. Her email is <cecile.bhang@pepperdine.edu>.